Why Do Mobile App Developers Love React Native?

Hire React Native Developers
3 min readFeb 4, 2021

The main reason mobile spp developers love React Native so much lies in the fact it’s easy and simple to work with. The framework has been around for more than 5 years and its stable release was on March 26, 2020.

React Native is well funded, it has huge community support (check out this Facebook group and this tag on Medium) and well-developed documentation, which helps react native app developers of all expertise levels stay on track and learn. Robust tools, effective error messages, and quick iteration cycles are just a fragment of the reasons why the react native app development experience is so great.

1. Because React Native uses JavaScript
JavaScript is one of the languages with which an app developer starts their career with. And so they have a very detailed resemblance with the subject matter. The fact that React Native relies heavily on JavaScript brings down the learnability curve to a great extent.

2. They get to build native applications
Even though the developers work on JavaScript, they don’t use web view for rendering React Native components. The one reason why you should choose React Native is that it renders real native elements, giving developers the flexibility to use platform-specific components such as activity indicator, which gives very platform a recognizable, native-like* feel.

3. A straightforward installation process
The installation method must always be direct, i.e. minus any complicated steps. The React Native framework can be installed through the Node Package Manager, which is extremely easy for developers with JavaScript background to follow. And even if you lack the understanding of JS, React Native will prevent you from the hassle of downloading a binary from the source.

4. Greater productivity
The key to building app faster lies in the developers’ productivity levels. While the reliability on JavaScript already makes the process easier, it also comes with a live reload feature and the freedom to use any IDE or text editor of their choice.

5. Strong community backing
React Native has gained a lot of popularity ever since its launch in 2015. Developers and businesses from all across the globe and industrial background have chosen to go with React Native at the back of the plethora of benefits it offers.

This high demand has in turn resulted in the creation of a strong widespread community working on adjusting the React Native pros and cons on a daily basis.

6. It is truly cross-platform
When we say React Native is a cross-platform app development framework, we don’t just mean using React Native for mobile app development. Using React Native, developers get to expand their skills to smart TVs, smart watches, Windows devices, and even VR headsets.

Even amidst these and several other un-mentioned benefits of React Native development, there are some challenges that inherently come associated with React Native app development. Challenges that experienced developers have come to accept and workaround.

Thank you for reading our article about react native, we hope you learned something new about the amazing functionalities of this framework. As you can see, it’s a very useful framework that’s loved by many developers for various reasons: from its nice work environment to the fact it saves time and energy, it sure does offer a lot. If you want to hire react native developers for your business, you can visit our website.



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